Blog Ideas

Can you tell I'm new at this?

In my travels through this mass of hyper-linked second selves we call the internet I have come across a few things I keep noticing, you go to a well crafted website, everything is interesting, so you go to check what this person has been up to recently...and nothing.

I found myself on a charity's website that I was considering offering my services to but there last blog post was in 2014. It turned me off as a potential client for one thing, however, if I were a local philanthropist looking for an interesting new project this could have potentially lost them a massive opportunity. They'd been in the news and had a current campaign going so it was obvious they were still active, so why the lack of a personal touch like regular blog posts...which then made me question myself.

Why has it been a month since I did my first blog post and followed it up with nothing, so I searched some of my was the same. Life kept getting in the way or they were too engrossed in there work or they had lost interest in their own ideas. I don't particularly want to be either of those camps so a violent brain storming session (not to be confused with, the apparently offensive term, brain storm epileptics experience) erupted from my finger tips, while listening to Phillip Glass, of all people. 

Any way, the point I'm trying to make is I need to show more love to my website, I know I have neglected it it's shivering in the corner like an abused house husband, clinging on to the memory of what once was.


Chris from Rockdoverehab